Planning for personal services has been part of A.H.C.L. staff training since 2006. Our Person Centered Planner Intern started in 2009. This allowed one staff member to focus on developing a very specific life plan for each person receiving services.
During the development of a Person Centered Plan, extensive work is done with the family and other important people in the person’s life to make sure that the person’s goals are achieved. The Primary Support Workers follow up on the plan and revise it as necessary based on the persons changing needs or wants. All staff who work with the person supported are required to be familiar with the PCP and up-to-date on their current goals.
Currently, A.H.C.L primary Support Workers are trained to complete Person Centered Plans themselves. This allows direct staff to assist people in planning their own lives and setting their own goals. The majority of the work that Support Workers provide is based on what is in the PCP for that person. Plans are also created with the person and support staff for those people receiving Direct Funding. For more information, Contact Us.