Every Little Bit Counts
AHCL takes pride in the agency’s commitment to the people and families that we support. We also enjoy giving back to the communities that are so generous to us and our events throughout the year. We strive to provide the best services to those people that we are able to offer. Often times we must develop our own strategies for fundraising to do be able to put on extra fun events or make larger purchases. Almaguin Highlands Community Living is funded by the Ministry of Community & Social Services and that funding covers the operating cost of the agency and the staff but doesn’t leave extra for those times of celebration or special events.
If you are interested in donating to our programs, please call 705-384-5384 ext. 21 to speak to the administrative assistant. You may direct your donation to a specific program or activity. We sincerely appreicate any and all donations that are made to AHCL.